Sincere Invitation to Domestic and Foreign Outstanding Talents for
The “Talented Young Scholars Forum” of Xi’an Polytechnic University
一、 论坛简介
1. Introduction to the Forum
Great achievements are made with the collective intelligence of talents. In order to further follow the spirit of the Second Congress of Party Representatives of the university, to meet the new requirements of pursuing and surpassing others and to continuously strengthen the strategy of “developing and flouring the university by talents”, Xi’an Polytechnic University plans to hold the2rd “Talented Young Scholar Forum” from September 4 to 6, themed with "exchange & integration, innovation & development". As a sub-forum of the Silk Road Young Scholars Forum of Shaanxi Province, this forum aims to focus on the international scientific leading edges and research hotspots, gather the outstanding young scholars at home and abroad for mutual exchanges and improvements, give the young scholars a comprehensive introduction about the development strategy, scientific researches, talent cultivation and talent introduction policies of our university by means of interactive communications, special reports, academic seminars, talks, etc., so as to attract more outstanding young talents to join our university, employ the talents from the world and provide talents and intellectual support for the economic and social development of Shaanxi Province.
二、 学科领域
2. Subject Areas
16 first-level subject areas and relevant areas of our university, especially the 6 key first-level subjects marked with ※
Textile Science and Engineering ※Design ※
Mathematics ※Control Science and Engineering ※
Chemical Engineering and Technology※Management Science and Engineering ※
Marxist Theory Foreign Languages and Literatures
PhysicsMechanical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering Electrical Engineering
Computer Science and Technology Civil Engineering
Environmental Science and Engineering Business administration
3. Application Requirements
3. 具有良好的职业道德和学术道德。
1. The applicant shall have a doctorate, with the age no more than 40 years old (appropriately extended for those exceptionally excellent).
2. The applicant shall have achieved outstanding academic performance in his/her field and own the potential to become a leader in that field.
3. The applicant shall possess good professional and academic ethics.
4. Registration Process
The applicant shall send the resume, which covers basic personal information, educational background and work experience, published and collected papers, research projects undertaken, patents and awards (academic certificate & diploma as well as proofs for scientific research achievements such as papers, projects, patents, awards, etc.), to xpurcb@163.com, the talent recruitment email of Xi’an Polytechnic University. The subject of the email shall be written in the following format (Application for Talented Young Scholars Forum + Name + Major + Graduate University for the Highest Degree).
Deadline:August 25, 2018
(Please await the data review after completing the application. Applicants who pass the review will receive an official invitation letter from the university)
5. Schedule
9月5日下午:参加西安工程大学 “经纬青年学者论坛”分论坛及学术报告交流。
September 4(whole day): Register.
September 5 (morning): Participate in the master forum, the Fourth “Silk Road Young Scholars Forum” of Shaanxi Province.
September 5 (afternoon): Participate in the sub-forum of the “Talented Young Scholars Forum” in Xian Polytechnic University, and the theme conference.
September 6: visit, discussion, talent project, departure.
6. Others
We will reimburse the round-trip transportation expenses of invited scholars at home and abroad and uniformly arrange free accommodation and shuttle services from and to the airport and train station.
7. Contact Information
联系人:闫老师 常老师 马老师
电 话:+86-29-62779063
邮 箱:xpurcb@163.com
Contacts: Teacher Yan, Teacher Chang and Teacher Ma
Tel: +86-29-62779063
Email:xpurcb@163.com(海归留学人才招聘求职,就上 liuxuehr.com,投递简历时请注明信息来自: -liuxuehr.com)
8. University Profile
Please click the homepagehttp://renshichu.xpu.edu.cn/for more information.
Xi’an Polytechnic University
July18, 2019
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