



2020-06-24 08:44 来源:互联网转载分享 作者:liuxuehr

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in theoretical atomic and molecular physics, to work in association with Prof Jeremy M Hutson on the quantum mechanics involved in the formation and properties of ultracold molecules. The theoretical work is associated with an EPSRC-funded Programme Grant in collaboration with the experimental groups of Prof Simon L Cornish in the Durham Physics Department and Prof Michael J Tarbutt at Imperial College London, and theory group of Prof Dieter Jaksch at Oxford University. The collaboration has already succeeded in forming ultracold polar RbCs and CaF molecules in their absolute gro und state at temperatures around 1 microKelvin, and is now developing their use for quantum science.

The successful applicant will be expected to carry out internationally leading theoretical and computational research on the formation, properties and applications of ultracold molecules.

Further details of the research group are available at http://community.dur.ac.uk/j.m.hutson/ and a description of recent research achievements and current projects is athttp://community.dur.ac.uk/j.m.hutson/postdoc-info-2020.pdf
