You will work in an experimental research team focused on improved characterisation of the transport of liquids in porous media. The project forms part of an industry consortium aiming to further develop techniques and fundamental understanding for enhanced oil recovery. The research will be laboratory-based, involving the preparation of rock samples and their analysis using a broad range of equipment and instrumentation, including electron microscopy, spectroscopy and x-ray micro-tomography. The work will also involve collation and interpretation of the experimental results for publication in academic journals and for presentation to industry. You should hold a degree at an honours level or higher in chemistry, physics, engineering or a related discipline, and have a demonstrated experience of chemical laboratory environments. Experience of research related to oil recovery and of collaboration with industry is highly desirable.We offer generous remuneration benefits, including four weeks paid vacation per year, assistance with relocation expenses and 17% employer contribution to superannuation.The University actively encourages and welcomes applications from candidates from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and is working hard to support their choices and inclusion in the workplace. If you are interested in talking about working atANUas an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person, please contact our Indigenous Employment Consultant on T: 6125 5981 orindigenous.employment@anu.edu.auConsistentwith our values of integrity and respect,ANUwelcomes diversity in its staff, encouraging applications from women.For enquiries about the position please contact Dr Andrew Fogden +61 2 6125 4823Andrew.fogden@anu.edu.au

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