We are looking to hire a motivated, independent and enthusiastic individual who will conduct research projects related to the biochemistry of vessel growth. The selected candidate will work in the brand new Wolfe Labs Research Center and be affiliated with the departments of Biochemistry and/or Ophthalmology of the University of Montreal and/or Neurology and Neurosurgery of McGill University. The candidate will be expected to perform biochemical analysis, rodent surgeries and experiments pertaining to cell physiology. Prior experience with basic cell and molecular biology, animal work and microscopy and are an asset. A PhD in Biochemistry, Cell Biology or Physiology or related field is required. Applicants should provide by email a CV, list of 3 references as well as a brief cover letter stating prior research experience and general scientific interests.
Research Focus:
Angiogenesis (the generation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones) is a highly synchronized process requiring the coordinated efforts of several vascular and non-vascular cell populations and a stringent orchestration by the tissue being vascularized. Stereotyped angiogenesis is vital for both developmental growth and to restore tissue oxygenation and metabolic supply following vascular injury.
Given that angiogenesis becomes deregulated in numerous pathological contexts such as cancer and ischemic neuropathies, it is key to understand the molecular and cellular mechanism that ensure sound vessel growth. Our laboratory studies angiogenesis with a focus on ocular vascular systems. We tackle these diseases by studying vascular growth and the factors that regulate it. Moreover, we are interested in the cellular interactions and intracellular mechanisms that govern vessel growth in both physiological and pathological contexts.
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