The University of Massachusetts Medical School, one of the fastest growing academic health centers in the country, has built a reputation as a world-class research institution, consistently producing noteworthy advances in clinical and basic research. The Medical School attracts more than $174 million in research funding annually, 80 percent of which comes from federal funding sources.UMMSis the academic partner of UMass Memorial Health Care, the largest health care provider in Central Massachusetts.
AnNIHsupported postdoctoral research position in Viral Immunology is available at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. The research project focuses on characterizing the lineage relationship between effector and memory CD8+ T cell responses to human Epstein Barr virus (EBV) infection. The post-doc will also develop and use novel deep sequencing methods to analyzeEBVsequence diversity in the oral and peripheral blood compartments and to examine the potential role ofEBVepitope-specific CD8+ T cell responses inEBVsequence evolution.
1. PhD in virology, immunology, molecular biology, or a related discipline;
2. Skilled in flow cytometry and assays to characterize virus-specific CD8+ T cell responses.
3. Skills in transcriptome analyses and deep sequencing techniques preferred.
4. Strong oral and written communication skills; strong interpersonal skills.
5. A strong publication record; and
6. Highly motivated to apply skills towards solving biological problems.
This position will be mentored by Dr. Katherine Luzuriaga (Pediatrics, Molecular Medicine).
Interested candidates please forward CV and cover letter toMindy.Donovan@umassmed.edu
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