2012-07-26 17:26
来源: 未知
作者: admin
Job Title: |
Postdoc position in aerosol research |
Job Number: |
4011369 |
Date Posted: |
07/25/2012 |
Application Deadline: |
Open Until Filled |
Job Description
UC Riverside invites aerosol experimentalist to study very low PM mass measurement
Job Summary: Present motor vehicle PM emission measurement regulations require gravimetric determination of particulate matter collected onto filter media from diluted exhaust. With current sampling and measurement practices, the method is reaching its limit of detection for more stringent future vehicle PM emission standards. The objective of the study is to examine modifications to gravimetric PM measurement that preserve the integrity of the method but decrease the variability and gaseous adsorption artifacts. We also aim to quantify PM mass using real time online measurement using aerosol instrumentation such as demonstrated by IPSD (integrated particle size distribution, Liu et al.) method but not limited by that method. More details can be shared with prospective candidates at the time of interview.
Qualifications: The successful candidate should be an experimentalist with strong background in aerosol science. Fundamental knowledge in aerosol instruments and gas/particle partitioning is necessary. Knowledge in engines/combustion/vehicle emission is a plus but not required.The position is available immediately or can be started September 2012. The salary will be commensurate with qualification. It is one year term in the beginning and may be renewed pending satisfactory performance. The candidate will have opportunities to interact with other experts in the field of vehicle emissions through the project in addition to being advised by Dr. Heejung Jung.
Please send your resume and a list of reference to below email address with a title: "postdoc position".
UC Riverside is a dynamic and relatively young institution undergoing an exiting period of continued growth. It is located in Southern California, one of the most diverse regions in the nation and featuring pleasant weather and a large range of entertainment, recreation, and cultural opportunities. The College of Engineering-Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) was established in 1992 as a new model for university/industry/regulatory agency collaborative research on environmental problems, with a major focus on air pollution, energy, and transportation. CE-CERT is dedicated to bringing together scientists and engineers in a collaborative research effort involving academic, industry and regulatory agency scientists on its Advisory Board and on project advisory committees to work together to solve transportation and air pollution problems and to provide high quality science to the regulatory process. CE-CERT is an interdisciplinary center focused on a large-scale, broad-based, integrated research agenda in advanced vehicle technologies and systems; emissions measurement, analysis, and control; atmospheric measurement and modeling; environmental analysis and policy; and renewable energy.
Heejung Jung, heejung@engr.ucr.edu Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering & CE-CERT University of California Riverside
Contact: |
Heejung Jung Mechanical Engineering University of California Riverside Riverside, CA United States Email:heejung engr.ucr.edu |
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
- 2012-09-13
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