Professor/Associate Professor in the Engineering of Sustainable Energy Systems : Leeds, United Kingdom
- Location: Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
- Type: Professor
- Posted: March 07, 2012
- Expires: April 20, 2012
- Requisition number: ENGME0041
Employer:University of Leeds
Science jobs from University of Leeds: job description
Faculty of Engineering
The Centre for Integrated Energy Research
Professor/Associate Professor in the Engineering of Sustainable Energy Systems
University of Leeds
Yorkshire, UK
Professor level – minimum £59,302/Associate Professor level – c.£52,000.
This is a unique opportunity to play a key role, with likely progression to Professor if taken on at Associate level, within a brand new, world-class research initiative at a Russell Group university. The Faculty of Engineering at Leeds is one of the largest and most successful in the UK, with an international reputation for energy research. Our new Centre for Integrated Energy Research will link innovation in energy policy with groundbreaking thinking in technology.
Are you looking to use your expertise in interdisciplinary energy engineering research to make a major impact on energy sustainability, and to enhance this impact through broader collaboration with other energy-related disciplines? Could you flourish within an engineering research environment, although you may not necessarily come from a traditional engineering background? Are you looking to apply your skills to play a significant role in a transformational activity at one of the UK’s leading universities?
If you can answer yes to these questions, and are excited by the possibility of playing a pivotal role within a new interdisciplinary energy research centre, please visithttp://jobs.leeds.ac.ukfor further details of an innovative Associate Professor or Chair position.
For more information and to apply, please go tohttp://jobs.leeds.ac.uk/and complete the Vacancy Search Criteria. Job Ref: ENGME0041.
Closing date: Friday 20 April 2012
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