日本横滨RIKEN Omics科学中心博士后招聘
Seeking either a Research Scientist or a Postdoctoral Researcher [KC-2] : Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan
Employer: LSA Bioinformatics Core Facility, RIKEN Omics Science Center (Facility Director: Dr. Carsten Daub)
Location: Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan
Type: Research Fellow
Posted: February 27, 2012
Expires: April 28, 2012
job description
[Area of Research]
The Omics Science Center (OSC) aims to construct a methodical system that enables rapid explication of molecular networks, or the “Life Science Accelerator” (LSA).
Genetic diversity is the source of molecular diversity in networks and an important factor in understanding the relationship between life phenomena and the molecular network of individual organisms.
The LSA Bioinformatics Core Facility develops and implements novel Bioinformatics methods required for the analysis of whole genome data arising from high-throughput experimental methods developed within the OSC.
(Please refer tohttp://www.osc.riken.jp/english/for more information about OSC.)
We are looking for someone who will engage in the following research project:
Project Name: ‘Exploration of Biomarkers to Identify the Process of Disease Onset (Predisposition of Disease included) from Normal State and Their Application to Preemptive Medicine Program by Them’
We are starting a one and a half year joint collaboration project between the RIKEN PSC, RCAI, BASE, CMIS and the OSC.
This project focuses on exploring the bio-markers of diseases for preemptive medicine. The current project is a 1.5-year pilot project (by March 2013), and seeks the possibilities for expanding as one of the RIKEN innovations activities in the future. This pilot project analyzes two diseases, and integral analysis of the transcriptome and metabolome will be integrated together with medical information to explore novel biomarkers. Especially, Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) derived transcriptional starting sites (TSS) and corresponding promoter usage will provides the basis for a comprehensive data set. Several RIKEN research centers join this pilot project collaboratively, CMIS and RCAI for clinical study, OSC for transcriptome, PSC for metabolome, and BASE for data integration.
Opening for a Research Scientist or a Postdoctoral Researcher
[Job Description] The RIKEN PSC, RCAI, BASE, CMIS and OSC will conduct a 1.5-year (by March 2013), cross sectional collaborative pilot project to explore bio-markers of diseases for preemptive medicine.
The successful candidate will analyze Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) data and metabolite data in an integrative way to characterize the diseases addressed in this study on the molecular level. Specific emphasis will be given to identify the elements responsible for causing dysregulation in disease, on the transcriptional level as well as on the metabolite level, and the potential of these elements as biomarkers. The successful candidate will work closely together with experienced researcher in OSC’s Bioinformatics Core Facility and the other participating RIKEN centers. She/he will apply established methods for CAGE and metabolite analysis and will develop the specific aspects required for the integrated analysis.
Research Scientist:
Carries out the research themes of the team. The position requires giving guidance to Postdoctoral Researchers and Technical Staff when necessary.
Postdoctoral Researcher:
Works independently to carry out research assigned by supervisors and acquire expertise for further work as a research scientist.
①Ph.D. in Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, or a related field.
In principle, candidates with less than five years of postdoctoral experience will be considered for the position of Postdoctoral Researcher.
②Experience with analysis of high-throughput data is required.
③Experience with sequencing data is a plus.
④Proactive and constructive attitude.
⑤Can communicate and work with staff from around world, and complete assigned tasks.
⑥Japanese language skills are not required.
RIKEN Yokohama Institute, 1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi, 230-0045 Japan [Contract Conditions]
The term of the contract shall be until March 31, 2012.
RIKEN may renew the contract annually based on necessity and a performance evaluation, and if both parties agree to the conditions. A new contract will not be entered into after March 31, 2013.
*As an Independent Administrative Institution funded by the Japanese Government, RIKEN is bound by a mid-term plan of 3 to 5 years that is determined by the competent minister. This mid-term plan establishes the aims RIKEN is required to achieve.
The current (second) mid-term plan runs to March 31, 2013. The government is now in the process of reviewing the mid-term plan and has the option of calling for major organizational changes. As such, the close of the mid-term plan requires that the contracts of all fixed-term employees and special appointment employees end on or before March 31, 2013.
Once the RIKEN third mid-term plan is decided, OSC will also be able to make a decision on its own mid-term plan and will put out an open call for applications, for employment beginning April 1, 2013. All fixed-term and special appointment employees will be requested to apply and interview through this open call in order to work at RIKEN. Successful applicants will have annual contracts that may be renewed until the end of the project, subject to its continuation, a performance evaluation and if both parties agree to the conditions.
Salary is determined annually on the basis of employee experience, abilities and research results. Commuting and housing allowances will be provided and social insurance applies (health insurance, pension insurance, worker’s accident compensation insurance, unemployment insurance, etc.).
Saturdays and Sundays, Japanese National Holidays, year-end and New Year (Dec.29-Jan.3), summer holidays and RIKEN Foundation Day (4th Monday in October).
Cafeteria, convenience store, café, RIKEN daycare center*
*Certain conditions apply.
Other provisions are in accordance with RIKEN regulations
*Eligible to apply for external funding.
*Mandatory membership in the RIKEN Mutual Benefit Society (RIKEN Kyosaikai).
*RIKEN is an equal opportunity employer, with all working to make the best use of their talents for RIKEN.
[Required Documents and Deadlines]
[Documents to submit]
(1)Curriculum Vitae (with photo).
*Indicate your e-mail address.
*Indicate the symbol “KC-2” and the name of the position (Research Scientist or Postdoctoral Researcher) you are applying for on your CV (top right-hand corner).
(2)Personal Statement (A4 size 1-2 sheets)
(3)List of Publications
(4)A Recommendation Letter from your current direct supervisor (or from a third person when it is difficult to obtain a recommendation from the current supervisor).
*The Recommendation Letter should be addressed to “Director, OSC, RIKEN Yokohama Institute.”
*Please write “Omics Science Center application for [KC-2]” on the envelope.
*Application documents will not be returned.
Until the position is filled
[Note on Handling of Personal Data]
All private data sent to RIKEN as part of an application for employment is handled in strict confidentiality, and the data is not utilized for any other purposes or disclosed to third parties.
[Selection Process]
Application screening and interviews.
[Start of Employment]
Earliest date possible (negotiable).
[Inquiry / Contact address]
Nana Tamura (Ms.)
Personnel Group[KC-2], Coordination Office, Omics Science Center, RIKEN Yokohama Institute
1-7-22 Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi, 230-0045 JAPAN
*Any questions regarding these positions should be sent to the above e-mail address.
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