Postdoctoral Scientist : Darlinghurst, Australia
Employer: Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI)
Location: 405 Liverpool St, Darlinghurst, Australia
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: February 23, 2012
Expires: March 16, 2012
job description
Post-doctoral Scientist Position
Mouse Cardiovascular and Placental Development
• High profile research institute
• Friendly work environment
• Close to public transport
The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI), established in 1994, is recognised as an international centre of excellence in biomedical research with a focus on heart disease and cardiovascular biology.
We are seeking an enthusiastic post-doctoral scientist to joint an international team and who wants to forge a career in developmental biology in the laboratory of Professor Sally Dunwoodie in the Developmental and Stem Cell Biology Division at VCCRI –http://www.victorchang.edu.au/research/DevelopmentalBiology.cfm?cid=85
Research will focus on the genetic analysis of cardiovascular and placental development in mouse,
The successful applicant will hold a PhD, be highly motivated and capable of independent work as well as performing well in a team. Good interpersonal, written and oral communication skills are required. Hands-on experience with one or more of the following techniques is essential:
Mouse embryo manipulation and gene expression analysis
Molecular biology including PCR and cloning
Cell culture
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Salary packaging and superannuation options also apply. This is a full-time appointment for up to three years with an annual review and the possibility of renewal subject to funding.
Further information is available from Duncan Sparrow on (02) 9295 8630 ord.sparrow@victorchang.edu.au.
Applications, including CV, proof of qualifications and details of three referees, can be emailed torecruitment@victorchang.edu.au
Closing Date: 16 March 2012
No Agencies Please!
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