Science jobs from Institute for Integrative Nanosciences at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden: job description
The Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, is recruiting highly motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellows (2 years position) to carry out research in the area of self-propelled nanomotors. The successful candidates will focus their research on the design and the applications of catalytically active artificial micro- and nanomotors in the biomedical and environmental fields. The field of man-made nanomachines is attracting great interest in multidisciplinary fields from physics, chemistry, materials sciences, etc. Therefore, the candidate will work in a multidisciplinary team with cutting edge research infrastructure as biological and chemistry labs, high speed cameras and optical microscope facilities, clean room facilities and deposition machines.
We are looking for talented postdocs with research training and expertise in cleanroom, microfabrication, chemistry or physics background. Micro-robotics enthusiastic candidates are of highly interest. Candidates must be self-motivated, organized, with good planning skills and good communication abilities to work in a dynamic team. Ability to work on various projects and reporting research results in an efficient fashion is expected.
PhD or equivalent degree in Biotechnology/Chemistry/Physics or similar is required.
Experience: Research expertise in chemistry, thin film growth, biotechnology, nanotechnology, physics are desired. Knowledge on microfluidics fabrication is an added value.
Interested candidates should email their CV and 3 reference names too.schmidt@ifw-dresden.deands.sanchez@ifw-dresden.de
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