job description
Carbohydrates (glycans) coat every living cell and are involved in almost all essential biological processes and many diseases. Glycans and their corresponding proteins (lectins) are also critical in host-microbial interactions including pathogenic and symbiotic bacterial colonization in the gut. The Glycoscience Group are developing novel tools for exploring these interactions in order to improve our understanding of pathogenic and symbiotic relationships between hosts and microbes and ultimately to develop novel antimicrobials and diagnostic approaches.
The above vacancies have arisen because of a number of recent awards to the Glycoscience Group. These include continuation of funding for the Science Foundation Ireland-funded Alimentary Glycoscience Research Cluster, following a recent successful review. The Glycoscience Group was also successful in theSFI-fundedTIDA(Technology and Innovation Development Award) Feasibility Study 2011 programme and in theFIRMDairy programme (2010) administered byDAFF(Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food). Posts vary in duration from 6-18 months.
Applicants for all positions should have an honours degree in Biochemistry, Microbiology or related discipline. They should have had previous work experience in a research laboratory, preferably in the field of Glycoscience. Their experience should include basic biochemical and microbiological techniques, protein purification and assay methodologies and they should be willing to learn new techniques. They should be meticulous laboratory workers, paying great attention to detail, with good writing and communication skills, and be highly motivated.
For further informal discussion about these posts please e-mail Professor Lokesh Joshi (Lokesh.joshi@nuigalway.ie) or Dr. Marian Kane (marian.kane@nuigalway.ie)
Salary: €21,865 – €25,425 (Public sector pay policy pertaining to new entrants will apply)
TOAPPLY: Interested candidates should send a CV with covering letter and the names and contact details of two referees via e-mail (in word orPDFformat only) to:maria.brady@nuigalway.ie
Applicants must put ref. no.NUIG-91-11 in subject line of e-mail application.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 5pm on Friday 20th January 2012.
National University of Ireland, Galway is an equal opportunity employer
For information on related postgraduate opportunities please see Postgraduate opportunities
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