job description
Post-doctoral positions are available in the recently relocated Wu laboratory at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI). The laboratory will have access to the research facilities at UC Berkeley stem cell center.
The successful candidates will employ genetic mouse model, ex vivo cell culture,FACS, and molecular biology to investigate the molecular mechanisms regulating self-renewal and development of hematopoietic stem cells from iPS cells and/or embryonic stem cells.
The ideal applicants should have a Ph.D and/or M.D. in the field of stem cell biology or developmental biology and have a proven record of publications. Preference will be given to applicants with strong motivation.
CHORIis the internationally renowned biomedical research institute of Children’s Hospital and Research Center at Oakland. With world-class scientists and research centers known both nationally and internationally in multiple fields,CHORIis 5th in the nation for National Institutes of Health pediatric research funding. Bridging basic science and clinical research in the treatment and prevention of human disease,CHORIis a leader in translational research, providing cures for blood diseases, developing new vaccines for infectious diseases, and discovering new treatment protocols for previously fatal or debilitating conditions.
Please send your CV and a brief summary of your research interests and career goal (one page limit) to Dr. Wen-Shu Wu atwwu@chori.org.
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