Postdoctoral fellows in bioinformatics : Johannesburg
Employer: University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Location: Johannesburg
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: September 02, 2011
Expires: September 30, 2011
Jobs by tag(s): bioinformatics postdoctoral
Requisition number: WB-2011-NAT-PD
job description
The University of the Witwatersrand is a leading research University in Africa. Wits Bioinformatics is a joint project of the Faculties of Science and Health Sciences. It provides teaching and service in bioinformatics to researchers at the University. We work very closely with a number of researchers across the University, who have strong bioinformatics interests in a range of disciplines across the biological, medical, computational and mathematical sciences. We are working on novel data sets and have particular interests in problems applicable to African populations.
We currently have two postdoctoral fellows and wish to appoint two more positions.
One position in computational biology. For this position we seek someone with a strong background in algorithms and programming. An interest in bioinformatics is essential.
One position in one of the following areas: Human genetic diversity in Africa, Evolutionary theory, gene-finding in cassava, viral diversity, statistics.
Please see our web site above for further information on these posts.
When applying for this position, please mention you saw this ad onwww.baticalc.com
Please also post your resume/CV in our resume database which is searched and viewed by many employers
and recruiters. This is a free service to all job seekers.
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