Actinide Chemistry Postdoctoral Fellow – 73538
Organization: CH-Chemical Sciences
The Chemical Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory offers an exciting opportunity for a Postdoctoral Fellow to develop and perform forefront experimental research in fundamental actinide chemistry. Research encompasses reactivity, coordination and fragmentation of gas-phase ions, solution speciation of metal ions, and links between solution and gas-phase chemistry, all explored using electrospray ionization coupled to quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry. The research spans a diverse range of inorganic molecules, clusters, and coordination complexes, with an emphasis on the gas phase where isolated species reveal inherent molecular-scale chemistry absent perturbing interactions as in solids and solutions. The primary focus is on the 5f actinide elements from thorium through curium. The successful candidate will play a central role in novel studies of synthetic transuranium elements, Np, Pu, Am and Cm. The research involves extensive interactions with members of a diverse research group, and is carried out in close collaboration with theoreticians to better understand and exploit the experimental results.
Key Responsibilities:
· The incumbent will develop and apply innovative experimental approaches to understand gas-phase and solution chemistry of actinide metal ions, molecules, complexes, and/or nanostructures.
· Initial studies may build on ongoing projects, but it is expected that the individual will soon independently propose and execute novel and significant experiments.
· The core experimental activities will employ electrospray ionization to generate elementary and complex ions from solutions, and trapped ion mass spectrometry to study ion-molecule reactions and collision-induced fragmentations.
· Other instrumental capabilities available in the GTSC will be used to augment results from the electrospray ion trap experiments, such as NMR and UV/Vis spectroscopy to reveal solution speciation.
· Effective interaction with a diverse group of researchers will be required.
· Results will be reported in scientific journal articles and at scientific meetings.
· Recent Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics or a related discipline.
· Record of exceptional achievement documented by scientific publications and presentations.
· Evidence of innovative independent research, participation in collaborative research efforts, and effective written and verbal communication.
· Experience handling radionuclides, particularly actinides, and/or glove-box operations.
· Experience in the development and application of non-routine mass spectrometric techniques for generating, manipulating, and characterizing gas-phase ions.
· Background in actinide chemistry, inorganic mass spectrometry, electrospray ionization, gas-phase chemistry, density functional theory, solution chemistry, specialized applications of NMR, and/or UV/Vis spectroscopy.
Note: This is a one year full-time postdoctoral appointment with the possibility of renewal for up to two years based upon satisfactory job performance, continuing availability of funds, and on-going operational needs.
How To Apply
Apply directly online athttp://www.jobclub.com/banman/a.aspx?ZoneID=0&BannerID=1068&AdvertiserID=59&CampaignID=4229&Task=Click&SiteID=1&RandomNumber=167303and follow the instructions to complete the application process.
Berkeley Lab is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer committed to the development of a diverse workforce.
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