2011-01-07 11:51
来源: 未知
作者: admin
This project is funded by ERC (European Research Council), and is a part of an EU’s 7th Framework Programme, which takes multidisciplinary approaches to optimize the stem cell replacement therapy in treating spinal cord injury. The funding is guaranteed for 4 years initially, with potential to extend pending on performance review.
The successful applicant shall be expected to work in Prof Bing Song’s lab at Cardiff Institute of Tissue Engineering & Repair, School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, UK. The successful candidate shall focus mainly on stem cell biology aspect of the programme. Specifically, the selected candidate shall engage in characterizing the migration, division and differentiation response of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells to a variety of guidance cues (including chemical guidance, electric signals and etc. Nature 2006. 442:457-60. PNAS 2002. 99:13577-82), and investigate the molecular / genetic mechanisms of these events during the stem cell replacement therapy of spinal cord injury.
A solid background in oligodendrocyte biology is required, as well as understanding of neural development and oligodendrocyte differentiation. Knowledge and experience in research methods / techniques of spinal cord injury repair is desirable but not necessary, and further training shall be provided. Preference shall be given to applicants with a demonstrated record of characterization of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells.
Salary at £29853-£35646 per annum, further increments can be considered depending on experience.
Applications should include a comprehensive CV and contact details for two referees.
If interested, please apply through weblink below:
For enquiries please contact Prof Bing Song at SongB3@cardiff.ac.uk
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