Program Directors in Zhejiang University/University of Illin
The Zhejiang University-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute (ZJUI) is a joint engineering college initiated at the Zhejiang University International Campus in Haining, China. The partnership of Zhejiang University (ZJU) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) combines the strengths of two of the top engineering schools in the respective nations. ZJU and UIUC have a long-established collaborative history and culture, and these endeavors are now the foundation of ZJUI. ZJUI offers undergraduate programs in civil and environmental engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering, and also offers graduate programs in the relevant engineering aspects. All of these programs emphasize the interdisciplinary challenges that are critical for the future. The first group of undergraduate students began their programs in Fall 2016, with the second cohort beginning in Fall 2017. ZJUI offers a unique combination of instruction, emphasizing exposure to scientific knowledge, hands-on experience, and creative interdisciplinary team-based design. All classes are taught in English, and successful students will receive undergraduate degrees from both institutions. UIUC and ZJU faculty participate extensively in teaching and research at the Institute. UIUC and ZJU also work together to recruit outstanding international faculty candidates for the Institute.
The challenges of today and tomorrow do not conform to conventional disciplinary boundaries. Creative ideas that draw across many fields are essential to future quality of life and sustainable economies. At ZJUI, faculty and students across all programs work together to explore major challenges and design ways to meet them. The Institute seeks innovation and world-leading impact in broad themes that include:
- (1)Engineering and system sciences;
- (2)Information and data sciences; and
- (3)Energy, environment, and infrastructure sciences.
We seek faculty leaders to serve as Program Directors for these three major research themes. These Program Directors will inspire our students and faculty to establish ZJUI as a world-leading center of innovation and excellence. Each Director will lead the development of research laboratories and infrastructure as well as research groups and programs, to carry on research in the field of interdisciplinary across the field of engineering science stated above but not limited to these themes.
An ideal candidate will work with industry and university leaders to establish ZJUI as a world leader, creating unique strengths for the Institute and adding high value to ZJU, UIUC, and the ZJU International Campus as we develop a unique and exciting program that will lead China into the future.
Program Director positions are equivalent in rank to Department Head, are hired as senior Professors, and should meet the scholarly and technical excellence qualifications expected for this rank. They should have an established track record in industry and/or academia of leadership, innovation, and impact. The required qualifications include:
- (1)An earned doctorate in an engineering or scientific field, or equivalent;
- (2)At least ten years of progressively more impactful experience following the doctoral degree;
- (3)Experience in leadership roles in respected industry or academic contexts;
- (4)Evidence of entrepreneurial impact, and a track record of initiating and leading major research projects and programs;
- (5)Scholarly publications, and/or equivalent evidence of impact, such as patents and products;
- (6)A clear ability to develop and execute visionary plans; and
- (7)Skills in attracting and recruiting top talent at all levels.
The positions report directly to the deans of ZJUI. The Program Directors supervise staff within the associated research theme and serve in a matrix framework, in collaboration with Curriculum Directors, as the supervisor of faculty engaged in the associated research theme.
The search process will continue until positions are filled. Salary and research initiation support will be commensurate with qualifications and competitive with international norms. There is additional support for laboratory initiation. Application materials should include a cover letter with current contact information including email address, a complete curriculum vitae, statements of vision and goals, and the names of three or more references. Please submit applications athttp://zjui.illinois.eduor For more information, please visit
Contact Person: Dean of The Institute: Prof. ERPING Li,
Tel: +86 571 8757 2511
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